About Us – Impacting through humbleness

The Journey of Form and Function

Simple yet impactful products have the power to influence our daily lives. Each morning, we wake up to a beloved brand that resonates from the heart. Just as our customers embark on their daily tasks, embracing their humanity and vulnerability, they persist in their pursuits. Whether changing course, rebelling, commanding, or conquering, humility remains at their core. As we traverse this brand, we not only traverse its essence but also the lives of our cherished customers.

The Designers


Background Information

Our Mission

At Daripada, our mission is to celebrate global diversity through the curation of humble products. We strive to empower local artisans and designers, fostering a community that values creativity, craftsmanship, and cultural richness. Our commitment is to provide customers with a curated collection that transcends the ordinary, bringing unique, meaningful, and aesthetically pleasing pieces into their lives.

Our Vision

Our vision at Daripada is to be a global beacon of design excellence, where the fusion of tradition and contemporary aesthetics inspires a new era of artistic appreciation. We aim to be the preferred platform for discerning individuals seeking meticulously crafted, culturally rich, and timeless products. Through our endeavors, we aspire to reshape the landscape of design, creating a world where every piece tells a story of passion, dedication, and global connection.

The Meaning of Daripada

In Bahasa Melayu, “daripada” translates to “from”,’ from me to you, from the bottom of our hearts, embodying our commitment to showcasing the finest creations. We welcome you to celebrate the exquisite world of design, curated to form and function. Embracing the essence of craftsmanship, our community is a lavish celebration of talented designers, with a focus on local artisans from across the globe.

Brand Guidelines

Currently, our brand guidelines are not available to the public. For inquiries regarding design collaboration and access to corporate resources, kindly reach out to our representatives.

daripada, kamiandasemuarakyatpeminat

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